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2017 Culture Shark Week

A String of Discordian Text To Maximize Exposure and Enhance SEO

This site does not allow for descriptions because it’s too busy being radical.

Get more memes! Vibrators. Taco Tuesday. Follow Friday. Engage. Synergy. Twitter. Follow back. Youtube. Guru. Maximum Energy. Secret Mysteries of the Occult. Aleister Crowley Murders Children. You’ll Never Believe This ONE trick to long life. All my friends are dead. All your base belong to us. Snapchat. Miley Cyrus. Chainsmokers. VNV Nation. Jet Fuel Doesn’t Melt Steal Dreams. Think of the children. Have a nice day. Gay. LGBTQIA+ Fetlife Destroys Axe Widows Spiders in a Fit of Rage. Long Life. Depression. Honey. Happy and healthy. Live your truth, girl!

