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2017 occult Shark Week

Ten Ways To Get Hot Chicks To Talk To You Using Secret Occult Spells


We all know the world is obsessed with getting laid. Try these hot tips!

10. Ask nicely

9. Tell her you’re the Great Beast Therion and she should be your Babalon and you want to make a Holy Hexagram.

8. Call her private parts a “Sally Port.” She will respect that you think she’s fortified and secure.

7. Buy her pizza

6. Find out what her father smells like and make yourself smell like it. Olfactory is mastery!

5. Hankerchiefs

4. Make eye contact and bite your bottom lip.

3. Steal her wallet and then return it to her

2. Burn a bunch of rose hips and lavender in your room and think about fucking her.

1. Give her a note that just says, “You will call me daddy.” and leave your number on it.
